What Does Capped Brood Look Like?


What does capped brood look like? We have a look at the difference between capped brood and capped honey. It is important to be able to identify the differences between brood and honey cells in your beehive.

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What Does Honeycomb Look Like? Honeycomb consists of two types –  uncapped and capped honeycomb.

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Uncapped Honey Comb

If you look into the uncapped comb, you will see nectar in the cell. This is the nectar that is being treated by enzymes and is being dried by the bees. If you see ...


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Capped Honey Comb

Capped honey is quite easy to see – it was a layer of wax over it. The cappings will sometimes have a little air bubble behind them. In this case, the ...


Generally, bee brood cappings have a more orange to red color than wax cappings.  Bee brood cappings have a leathery feeling to them, whereas beeswax has a waxy oily feel to it.

What Does Capped Brood Look Like?

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Are there any open cells in the comb – have a look in the cells – if there are eggs or larvae, chances are the rest of the frame is brood. If there is nectar in the cells, this does not mean that the frame is honey, however.

An Easy Way For Beginners To Tell The Difference Between Brood and Honey Cells

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Yellow Leaf

You followed my instructions and something went wrong. Somehow you have a few frames of brood at home. Do not put the brood back in a hive – the chances are that the brood has ...

What To Do If You Accidentally Bring Brood Home?

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Bee brood is a common food in much of the world. In central Africa brood is hailed as a source of virility and strength, giving both men and women a bit of “lion”mprowess in the evenings.


Yellow Leaf

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