Carniolan Honey Bees vs Italian Honey Bees


In this article we take a look at Carniolan honey bees vs Italian honey bees – the two most commonly farmed races of bees. 

It is farmed extensively throughout Europe and North America. The Carniolan bee is well adapted to climates where there is a prolonged cold winter.

Carniolan Bees – A Quick Introduction

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The Italian bee or Apis mellifera ligustica in its scientific Latin name is actually the Latin bee. It originated at what was the heart of the Roman Empire in Italy. This bee has been farmed for thousands of years.

Italian Bees – A Quick Introduction

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Both bees are heavy honey producers, with the Italian bee probably being slightly more associated with world records in honey per hive.

1.Honey Production

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Italian bees are generally less prone to swarming than Carniolans. 


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Both races of bees are pretty gentle – Carniolans more so generally. This will also depend on where you source your queens. 


Italian bees are far more prone to drifting. If you place your bees in lines (as most people do in apiaries) you will find that you get drifting to certain hives that then become really strong.

4. Drifting

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Carniolans have somewhat better mite resistance.

Disease Resistance

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They can overwinter in a snowy environment, but they do not fully shut their brood nests down.


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How To Choose Between Carniolan Bees vs Italian Honey Bees

Taking the above into account, if you are in an area with long snowy cold winters, then choose Carniolans. 

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Both Italian and Carniolan bees are generally excellent choices of bees and should give you great joy working them. If you cant make up your mind, just take the plunge and start with whatever you can get. 


Yellow Leaf

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