Does Lemongrass Attract Bees?


Does lemongrass attract bees? The short answer is yes. The long and fun answer is the rest of this article. Lemongrass is an amazing grass herb that contains terpenes that attract bees.

Lemongrass species are all part of the genus Cymbopogon. The most commonly cultivated is West Indian Lemongrass – Cymbopogon citratus.

What Is Lemongrass?

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Green Leaf
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Terpenes are a massive group of chemicals that confer many of the medicinal and aroma properties to the herbs and flowers that we enjoy.

What Are Terpenes?

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Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
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Pheromones are chemicals that leave the body of the creature that produces them and act on the bodies of other creatures of the same species in a way similar to that of a hormone.

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What Are Pheromones In Honeybees?

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What Does The Nasanov Gland Produce?

The Nasanov gland pheromonal mix is comprised of geraniol, nerolic acid, geranic acid, E-citral, Z-citral, E-E-farnesol & nerol.

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What Terpenes Are In Lemongrass Oil?

The main constituents of lemongrass oil are myrcene, limonene, citral, geraniol, citronellol, geranyl acetate, neral, and nerol. 

At times of the year when there are a lot of swarms around, such as in spring, you can place beehive boxes that have been baited with lemongrass oil bee lures.

How Do We Use Lemongrass Oil To Attract Bees?

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Yellow Leaf
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Alternatively, you can make some longer-lasting lemongrass bee lures using this method. Use a small double boiler to melt your beeswax.


Yellow Leaf

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