Pros And Cons Of Adding A Second Brood Box To  A Hive


The brood box is typically the first box after the bottom board in the hive.

A queen bee, during peak conditions, can lay thousands of eggs per day. 

Do you know...

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

A queen bee, during peak conditions, can lay thousands of eggs per day.

When To Add A Second Brood Box

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

They will just stack supers on top of this brood box once it is full, and allow the bees to manage the size of their brood nest.

Off-white Section Separator

Adding A Second Brood Box To Make Strong Splits

beekeepers add a second brood box in spring, allow the bees to move into this, and then make splits by splitting the second brood box.

Off-white Section Separator

How Many Brood Boxes Should A Hive Have?

Crazy Hives - T three brood boxes with queens that were not having to lay too many eggs.

Off-white Section Separator

How Many Brood Boxes Should A Hive Have?

Lazy Hives -  it is safer to take a low road in an area with high variability in rainfall. 

 - Queen Burnout - Producing A Bee Flow,  Not A Honey Flow

Disadvantages Of Multiple Brood Boxes

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Banner With Dots


Depending on which race of bees you have, the number of cells on a brood frame will vary. 


Yellow Leaf

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