7 Most Common Types Of Bees In The US

7 Most Common Types Of Bees In The US


Delve into more depth on this fascinating topic and help you understand the broad groups of bees.

Some of the most efficient pollinators on the planet came into existence, and the result is there are many types of bees.

Where Did Bees Come From?

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

Bees have a system known as haplodiploidy, which determines gender. A fertilized egg is female, and an unfertilized egg is male.

Gender In Bees

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf

This means that they do not cooperate.

What Are The Different Types Of Bees?

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

1.Solitary Bees

They roll these into cigar-like shapes.

2.Leaf Cutter Bees

Off-white Section Separator

Mason Bees

They make nests out of a mud-like substance which they will conceal in cracks, holes, crevices, and various other concealed places.

Off-white Section Separator

Carpenter Bees

These can get to be absolutely huge bees and when they land on a flower they more than buzz pollinate it.

These bees make nests and have a social structure.

Bumble Bees

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

Honey Bees

They make nests in cavities (Apis mellifere and Apis cerana) or hanging from trees and rocks.

Banner With Dots


Hives can have hundreds of thousands of bees in them. As birds fly past the bees that cover the combs all orientate instantly at the bird and buzz.


Yellow Leaf

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