9 Of The Best Plants For Honey Production


 Others produce small amounts of excellent honey. Some produce huge volumes of terrible honey. 

Nectar requires resources to produce, hence flowers tend to provide just the necessary amount of nectar.

Nectar Flowers

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

 It is much like asking which trees make the nicest fruit. One person may like plums, another mango, another litchi.

What Flower Makes The Best Tasting Honey?

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

Sidr Honey

The honey tastes quite pleasant, and much of the cost factors behind its high price are religious and cultural factors.


Off-white Section Separator

Manuka Honey

This is slightly weird by healthy honey. It is different.


It is relatively rare given the difficulty in finding areas where enough trees flower at the same time to produce honey.

3.  Strawberry Tree Honey

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

4.Buckwheat Honey 

Wavy Line

5.Tupelo Honey 

Wavy Line

6.Miombo Woodland Honey – Zambia 

Wavy Line

7.Mozambican Mangrove Honey

Wavy Line

8.Goldenrod Honey

Wavy Line
Off-white Section Separator

Eucalyptus Honey

Many types of Eucalyptus honey, such as that from E.saligna and E.grandis trees will granulate rapidly. 


Banner With Dots


If you want to grow a few flowers for your bees, this is more just for you to have fun watching the bees on the flowers. 


Yellow Leaf

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