There is no best bee feeder – but there is a bee feeder which is best for you. Let us have a look at the options and how we can either buy or make a bee feeder.
Feeding liquid sugar to bees is an essential part of spring management to build your hives up. It is also an essential part of fall management to ensure your hives go into winter with enough stores.
Place two pencils or similar small spacers on either side of the ventilation hole in the cover. On top of these place one or two tubs that hold about a gallon each.
My general feeling would be that it seems to make a bit more sense just to repurpose some tubs than to buy round things that take up a lot of space in the hive.
I once had to feed up 100 hives and split them, and then feed those 100 hives and split them again. The timeline was very very tight. This involved feeding an inordinately huge amount of sugar on a weekly basis to the bees.