Bees Nesting In House Walls


Bees nesting in house walls has driven me crazy for half of my life. Every spring, I will get phone calls from people asking why do bees keep coming into my house? 

The first telltale sign that there are bees in your walls will be that they will be flying consistently in and out of a hole, or gap.  There will be at least a few bees per minute when it is warm. 

How To Tell If Bees Are In Your Walls?

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

Bees nesting in house walls is particularly problematic in bathrooms, as many people leave bathroom lights on at night. 

You Have A Swarm Of Bees In Your Walls Or Roof

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

If a bee are nesting in a house wall within line of sight of your house and can see lights, some of the bees will fly to these lights at night. 

A Nest Of Bees Is In Line Of Sight Of A Light In Your House

Off-white Section Separator

The wall is opened up, the combs are removed and the bees are taken away.

Open Wall  Removal

Off-white Section Separator

Bees leave the hive in the wall, then go out and forage and when they come back, they join the other beehive at the entrance. 

Screen Cone Removal/Bee Valve Removal

Bees are cavity-nesting animals. If you fill the cavity, they cannot move into it. I find polyurethane expander foam is an excellent way of preventing them from returning.

Fill The Cavity

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

Good flowers or something made it nice to them. Other swarms will make the same decisions.

Catch  Boxes

Banner With Dots


If a beehive is not managed properly it will produce swarms. Swarms move around looking for a specific type of place to build a nest. Normally a swarm will move into a wall around midday.


Yellow Leaf

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