Breathe In, Breathe out! Bee Respiration


How does a bee get oxygen? Well, bees use a completely different system. They do not have lungs.

 The blood then brings used oxygen – in the form of Carbon dioxide, back to the lungs where this is released into the air and fresh oxygen.

How We Breathe

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

Major segments are further divided into smaller segments – for example, the abdomen has multiple segments.

How Bees Breathe

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

Spiracles are connected to pipes that look a bit like vacuum cleaner pipes.


Off-white Section Separator

trachea eventually branches to the point where they are very small, at which point they are called tracheoles. 


To pump air in and out of her respiratory system, a bee will lengthen and shorten her abdomen.

Air Sacks

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

Bees do not have a well-developed circulator system to pump blood around. In fact, they don’t even have hemoglobin.

How Does Bee Respiration Work?

Off-white Section Separator

It just sloshes around inside the bee basically and is moved around by a heart that runs from the tip of the bee’s abdomen to its head.


Off-white Section Separator

The part of the heart in the thorax is called the dorsal aorta, and the part in the abdomen is called the dorsal heart.

The Bee  Heart

Banner With Dots


They do however have an ability to pump air in and out of their bodies using the air sacks we mentioned earlier. 


Yellow Leaf

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