Can Bees See In The Dark?


Can bees see in the dark? It depends on what we call “the dark”. Bees have a similar vision capacity to us.

Bees have a similar vision capacity to us, meaning that as it gets darker, their ability to see declines to a point after which the ability to perceive anything is lost. 

Do you know...

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

Bees see in such a different way to us that it is actually quite difficult to understand. Bees have two types of eyes. Compound eyes, which are like a big dome made of lots of little eyes, and then they also have three simple eyes. 

How Do Bees See?

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

Big Eyes Small Brains

Bees have much smaller brains and much smaller lives than us. Time is honey. 


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Can Bees See In The Dark?

Bees navigate using the Sun, hence, unless there is a very bright Moon at night, they are unable to navigate at night.


Banner With Dots


Bees probably see the world a bit like that. They cannot see your face and cannot tell that you look different from your friend. They can however see if you move. They can also detect what color your clothes and face and hair are.


Yellow Leaf

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