Chalkbrood Treatment


In this article, we have a look at chalkbrood and how to deal with it. This fungal pathogen of bees is a minor nuisance most of the time, but when there is a flare-up, you do need to do something about it. 

Chalkbrood is caused by the honeybee pathogenic fungus, Ascosphaera apis. 

1.What Is Chalkbrood Disease?

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The Causative Agent Of Chalkbrood Disease In Bees

When the chalkbrood goes black, it produces ascospores, which will then infect the cell, and the next larvae to grow in that cell will get infected with chalkbrood as well.

2. What Happens When You Get An Outbreak Of Chalkbrood In Bees?

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Depending on the genetics of your bees, they will clean infected cells out with a greater or lesser degree of enthusiasm.

3.What Do Bees Do About Chalkbrood?

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Chalkbrood Treatment

If you look at the hygienic strains of bees, they remove mummies quickly.


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On Varroa Mite and Chalkbrood

The varroa mite makes holes in the layer separating the inside of the bee from the world. Pathogens flow through these holes and the bees are doomed.


Bees that have an element of varroa resistance will also tend to have some resistance to chalkbrood.

6. Re-emphasizing The Importance Of Genetics

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Maintaining healthy apiaries, and increasing the genetics in your apiary, so that it can adapt, and evolve to be suited to your conditions is an important part of managing your beekeeping.


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