C'mon On In ! Atrracting Bees To Your Hive


In the Southern US, trap boxes nearby Eucalyptus trees and citrus orchards will fill with bees.

You want the bees to be your tenants and you will charge them, honey, for rent.

How To Lure Bees Into A Hive?

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

Now to understand what a good location is, we need to have a quick look at how a swarm decides where it is going to nest.

Location Location Location

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

If a beekeeper nearby, or even you, did not get this stuff right, there will be a swarm floating around.

When A Swarm Leaves Its Hive

Off-white Section Separator

Cluster On A Bush Near Mother Hive

they move to a spot normally about 50 to 100 yards from the hive where they will settle in a big ball normally hanging from a branch or twig.

Off-white Section Separator

Leaving – Fast

 They will fly away around midday the next day and settle somewhere at least 5, but up to 20 or more miles away depending on race.

 They will suddenly slow down, and just zoom onto a tree branch, or into a shrub. 


Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

Scouting For Food

they will fly away again and try to find a place with lots of food. Once they find this place, they progress to the next step.

Banner With Dots


If you cannot put catch boxes in trees, the next best site is on top of a barn or shed, or some high place. 


Yellow Leaf

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