Do Honey Bees Migrate?


Do honey bees migrate? Short answer. Yes. Let us take a look at the different ways bees can migrate.

If we look at a spring swarm, these bees leave the parent hive and fly a certain distance before they settle and build a new hive. This is seasonal migration, with bees seeking new territory to work in.

Swarms – A Form Of Seasonal Migration

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

Absconding is another form of migration. Sometimes if bees run out of stores during a dry warm period they will just leave the hive and go somewhere else. 


Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

The giant relative of our honeybee, Apis dorsata,  is believed to migrate. These bees are very big and build nests that hang from branches, cliffs, and buildings.

Actual Seasonal Migration

Off-white Section Separator

When Do Bees Go Away?

Bees will leave an area if it has no flowers.

Off-white Section Separator

Do Bees Hibernate Or Migrate?

Certain races of bees can enter a state of winter survival termed a winter cluster. 

There are other conditions in which bees will go away. If a beehive is robbed of its brood nest by a human or a predator this will result in the bees absconding.

When Do Bees Go Away?

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Banner With Dots


Bees go away by absconding if conditions are not favorable. They will also stop flying when it gets very cold and under such conditions, they appear to have gone away. They are in fact just overwintering and will reappear in spring.


Yellow Leaf

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