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What is bee brood? This is the next generation of bees – it is the part of the hive that produces bees constantly to replenish and grow the hive population.

The structure of a beehive consists of honeycombs spaced according to the rule of “bee space” in a hive.

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1) Bee brood is not heavy, honey is. 2) Bee brood has leathery fluffy capping, honey has waxy smooth capping

How do you tell the difference between brood and honey?

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3) If you open a brood cell there is a white developing bee under it 4) If you open a honey cell there is honey under the capping!

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5) If you happen to bite into some bee brood expecting honey and get a mouthful of weird tasting salty stuff...that's the brood.

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What is brood in a bee hive?

Brood consists of eggs and larval bees. 

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What is bee brood used for?

Bee brood is the next generation of bees for the hive. 

This will depend on where you are in the world. In warm moist climates bees maintain a brood nest year round.

How long do bees brood for?

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What is bee brood? A treasure chest of nutrients, and the most vital component of the beehive! As we become more aware of the benefits of including insects in our diets.


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