FAQs About Bee Pollen Substitutes- Answered by An Expert


Pollen is an essential part of the honeybee hive’s nutrition providing protein, lipids, vitamins, and minerals. 

We all know what pollen is, but I am going to define it differently here from the perspective of a bee.

Do you know...

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Pollen substitutes such as Ultra bee pollen substitute can be used as a simple off the shelf pollen substitute.

What can I substitute for bee pollen?

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There are a number of different options here and you can try and see which one works best for you in your area.

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What ingredients are in ultra bee?

The mix is a proprietary mix of "animal product free" nutrients.

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How do you substitute pollen for feeding?

You can use a formulated substitues such as Ultra bee pollen substitute to replace pollen in a bees diet, or at least to supplement pollen. 

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I hope this post has presented the benefits available from pollen substitute feeding. Ultra bee pollen substitute is a good example of a commercially formulated super pollen substitute.


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