FAQs About Honey Bee Swarms - Answered by An Expert


Every year in spring I used to get phone calls from a junkyard and a military base. The call always went about the same way – “Hi, there are bees in a car/jeep/truck/ambulance parked in our lot”.

Cars are well insulated cozy places to set up a new hive. Bees will move into cars if the windows are left open. Solution - close the windows.

Why do bees swarm cars?

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

A queen and some workers leave the hive and go out in search of a place to build a new hive. 

What happens when bees swarm?

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

It is not really. It is just a problem if a swarm decides to occupy a space you, or your pets/livestock/friends etc live in. Swarming is part of the natural cycle of renewal in a hive.

Why is bee swarming a problem?

Wavy Line

Not any more than any other color. Lighter cars are cooler (in temperature) and in a hot area, bees will be more likely to move into a lighter car.

Do yellow cars attract bees?

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Banner With Dots


If the bees cannot get into your car, they will not swarm into it. This is the simplest way to solve the problem.


Yellow Leaf

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