FAQs About Honey Harvest- Answered by An Expert


When is honey harvested? The short answer is when there is honey to harvest! Bees are not like cows, where you milk them at specific times based on a schedule.

If you are a skilled beekeeper, pretty much any time of day is ok.

What is the best time to harvest honey?

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Honey needs to be harvested when the combs are capped and the honey is ripe - during a strong honeyflow this can be as often as weekly. 

How often does honey need to be harvested?

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How much honey does a hive produce in a day?

New York for example has a somewhat higher output of goods and services than the Vatican City.

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What are two cons/downsides to raising honeybees?

You will get stung on the eye from time to time and look like a clown for a day or two. 

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When there is honey in more supply than that needed by your bees. Honey in a bottle on your shelf or in a shop is worth more to you than honey taking up space in a hive.


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