FAQs About Lemongrass & Bees- Answered by An Expert


Does lemongrass attract bees? The short answer is yes. The long and fun answer is the rest of this article. 

Yes. The scent of lemongrass is quite similar to the Nasanov gland secretion that bees use to mark a new hive location.

Does lemongrass attract bees?

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

Bees find the scent of lemongrass similar to one of their own pheremonal mixtures. 

Do bees like lemongrass?

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

Does lemongrass essential oil attract bees?


Off-white Section Separator

How do you attract bees with lemon grass?

If you melt a bit of wax and coconut oil - equal parts, and add lemongrass oil this will attract the bees if it is placed in the bait box.

Bees look for nesting site after they swarm. The site needs to be easy for them to find.

What attracts bees to make a hive?

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Banner With Dots


Does lemongrass attract bees? Yes. And now you know how to use this fact to catch swarms! Go out and give it a try.


Yellow Leaf

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