Give Me The Honey ! Best Way To Add Supers To Your Beehive


 A beehive super is best added when conditions are right. When adding a honey super to a new hive we have to be careful not to do it too soon.

 We shorten this so that it sounds cool and call it a super. Some countries call it a supa.

What Is A Beehive Super?

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We add a honey super to a beehive providing more space for bees to live and process honey during a honey flow.

When To Add Supers To Beehives

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Why Do We Add Supers To Beehives?

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If you started a new hive from a package, or a split and the frames in the brood box are not completely drawn, supering a hive may slow process.

When To Add A Honey Super To A New Hive?

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If the brood box has drawn combs that makeup 8 full drawn combs, and the last two har half drawn and the hive covers 8 brood frames.

When To Add A Honey Super To A New Hive?

It is a good idea to super a foundationless hive when a beehive is very strong. 

When To Add A Honey Super To A Hive With Foundationless Beekeeping?.

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Green Leaf
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Beeswax is a complex miracle. There are few chemical compounds that work better and are more ideally suited to their environment than beeswax.

A Few Notes On Temperature and How Bees Make Wax

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When bees make wax, they need to be warm – 95° F. 


Yellow Leaf

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