How Do Bees Handle Cold Weather Around The World- Survival Strategies


There are parts of the world where for a couple of months of the year, bees will not be able to leave the hive due to temperatures being so cold.

Bees in these areas have to have certain adaptations to survive. 

Very Cold Winter Regions

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Green Leaf
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Squiggly Line

These areas are easier on the bees.

Moderately Cold Winter Regions

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Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

With trees such as Eucalyptus or Canola plants, bees can actually produce their strongest honey flows in the middle of winter.

Places Where Bees Can Work In Summer and Winter

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How Do Bees Get Through The Winter In Very Cold Regions?

-  Keeping Bees Inside For Winter - Candy Boards 

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How Do Bees Get Through The Winter In Moderately Cold Winter Regions

 Bees which can form a winter cluster and are locally adapted will have the highest survival rates.

Ensure that your hives are fed, then seal all cracks and crevices in your hives with clay.  This prevents robbing.

How Do Bees Get Through The Winter In Places Where Bees Can Work In Summer and Winter?

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Yellow Leaf
Banner With Dots


 If the bees do not have stores, and they cannot use their stores to fund pollen gathering, they will shut down their brood nest and will abscond.


Yellow Leaf

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