How Many Legs Do Bees Have?


How many legs do bees have? Do bees have antennae? And what exactly is a bee sting? If you have ever been stung you may be rather shocked to find out you literally got laid by a bee….

Bees are insects – so this means that they follow the general rules of insects. Insects by definition have 6 legs.

How Many Legs Do Bees Have?

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

The front legs are suited to combing the pollen granules off the head of the bee. Specifically to get the pollen off the hair on their eyes. You can imagine how important it is for bees to be able to see

Front Of Forelegs

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

The hind legs of the bee are adapted for carrying pollen. These legs have pollen baskets – a hairy specialized area where pollen is packed. Pollen baskets are called corbicula.

Hind Legs

Wavy Line
Off-white Section Separator

How Many Legs Does A Queen Bee Have?

How many legs do bees have? The queen is a bee too. A queen is genetically identical to a worker bee but just has the ability to mate and lay eggs.

Off-white Section Separator

Do Bees Have Tongues?

A tongue generally refers to the fleshy muscular organ in the mouth of vertebrates. Given that bees are not vertebrates but are arthropods

A proboscis is a specialized mouthpart that is long. Biology is a bit of a confusing area in terms of names used for things. An elephant has a long nose which is sometimes called a proboscis. 

What Is A Proboscis?

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

Do Bees Have Antennae?

Yes, they do! And they use these for a huge number of important functions in the hive.

Banner With Dots


It is useful to familiarise yourself with this diagram so you know what the parts of a bee are. Some of the names are probably not important to remember


Yellow Leaf

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