How Much Honey Per Frame?

How Much Honey Per Frame


When we start planning our beekeeping business or season, we often get tempted to predict the output. How much honey per frame? 

We basically have two types of frames for which this is important to answer the question in a Langstroth hive. A deep and a shallow frame. Some people use mediums, but we will not go into those here.

Do you know...

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This depends on a lot of factors! It will depend on the race of bees, where you are keeping them, and what the available forage is.

How Much Honey Can One Hive Produce?

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Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
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An important factor to remember as well is that the photoperiod during a honey flow influences overall peak production. 

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How Much Honey Will Bees Consume In Winter?

This really depends on your climatic zone. There are places in the world, for instance in the southern US where bees can actually produce honey in winter. 

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I hope this has helped you figure out how much honey per frame you can expect. Beekeeping is a lot of fun and has some rules, which the bees will break. If you enjoyed this article, please share!


Yellow Leaf

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