How To Kill African Bees


We take a look at how to kill African bees. In some areas of the world, it is important to understand how to control Africanized honey bees.

In an attempt to improve the bees of Brazil honeybee genetics from Southern Africa (Read Apis mellifera scutellata) were introduced. 

1.What Is The African/Africanized Honeybee?

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Placing bait boxes in trees and areas that bees will naturally look for nesting sites will allow you to trap swarms that are moving around.

2. How To Catch African Bees

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Place the bait box in a plastic bag in the evening. Seal the bag. The bees will suffocate in a few minutes. 

3.What Is The African/Africanized Honeybee?

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How To Control Africanized Bees

Limiting nesting sites will force the bees to move into designated bait boxes where they can be dealt with.


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Can African Bees Be Useful?

If African bees are being actively destroyed, yet they still persist in areas, it may be worth considering that these bees have a desirable trait. 


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In African counties, such as South Africa, beekeepers load thousands of African beehives and migrate them to perform pollination of food crops that are exported globally. 


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