How To Melt Beeswax In A Microwave  (Spoiler: Do Not Ever Do This)


How to melt beeswax in a microwave – you just don’t. I know a lot about beeswax – I have analyzed it for thousands of hours. 

Often when we process beeswax, water can become trapped in the wax. A small drop of water will explode if it is at the base of the melted wax. Beeswax melts slowly in a microwave, and when it does, it heats unevenly. 

1.What Can Occur If You Melt Wax In The Microwave?

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Beeswax melts at about 144 to 147 °F. 

2. What Is The Melting Point Of Beeswax?

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There are only three ways I would recommend melting beeswax.  The first is in a double boiler. The second is a crockpot set to the “warm” setting. The third option is a solar wax melter.

3.What Is A Safe Way To Melt Beeswax Rapidly?

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The faster you melt it the more heat you are transferring. This can result in some wax getting burnt – my general advice is if you want to have nice healthy wax, melt the wax slowly.


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