How To Pasteurize Honey

How To Pasteurize Honey


In this article, we take a look first at what pasteurization is. Following that we look at why some people pasteurize honey and explore if this is even something you should consider doing.

If you ask most people what Pasteurization is they will probably say it’s something to do with making milk safe. And yes, that is the case.

1.What Is Pasteurization?

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No. But there are times when this can be necessary. Bees collect water to cool their hives and various other hive tasks.

2. Does Honey Need To Be Pasteurized?

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Why Do Some People Pasteurize Honey?

If honey is pasteurized it can reduce the risk of honey crystallizing. 


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How To Pasteurize Honey

Honey is a thick viscous solution and warming it and cooling it is more of an engineering challenge. 


This is where we have to ask ourselves a few questions. The customer who goes to a supermarket and buys honey is normally a relatively uneducated customer.

5. Does A Home Beekeeper Need To Pasteurize Honey?

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If we look at milk and wine they have low viscosity. This means that they flow easily, and we can run them through a simple heat exchanger where we lift the temperature up quickly and then another heat exchanger to cool them back to room temperature quickly. 


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