Learn Everything About Beehive Entrance Reducer Dimensions


There are time of the year and races of bees that will need an entrance reducer to stop robbing, keep cold air out  and a whole myriad of other thing.

A simple method is to just cut small blocks of wood to slide into the entrance. 

How do you make a hive entrance reducer?

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

A few 5 inch long blocks can be used for this. If you have wood working equipment, you can always buy a wooden entrance reducer and copy it.

How do you make a hive entrance reducer?

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

This will depend on the size of the hive. In winter, you can probably get by with a on inch by half inch or less entrance. 

What size should the beehive entrance be?

Off-white Section Separator

When should a bee hive use an entrance reducer?

If you have a weaker hive that is unable to guard a full entrance. 

Off-white Section Separator

When should a bee hive use an entrance reducer?

If you have late season robbing by yellow jackets. If you find you have mice nesting in your hives in fall and winter. 

If your bees that you keep are able to propolize their entrance and make it suitable, you probably don't need an entrance reducer. 

Do you need a bee entrance reducer?

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line
Banner With Dots


There is no one size fits all entrance reducer, or answer to how to make them or the size they should be!


Yellow Leaf

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