Lemongrass Oil For Honey Bees


Lemongrass oil for bees is regularly promoted as a way of attracting bees to hives. Evidence suggests this works. We will take a closer look at how you can use lemongrass oil to benefit your beekeeping.

Lemongrass refers to a family of grasses with lemon-scented essential oils. These grasses contain a high concentration of terpenes in their stems which confer a lemon scent.

1.What Is Lemongrass

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

Terpenes are volatile aromatic essential oil compounds that tend to have a scent that humans and other creatures can detect. 

2. A Quick Introduction To Terpenes

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Yellow Leaf
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Terpenes and The Human Body

Significant amounts of research are being conducted globally finding more and more ways ...


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Terpenes and Bees

Bees have an incredible ability to detect various smells. This makes sense as their food source tends to have terpene odor markers to attract the bees. 


As we can see by comparing the terpenes in Nasanov pheromone and Lemongrass there is some overlap. 

5. Lemongrass Terpenes and Bees

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Yellow Leaf
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How We Can Use Lemongrass Oil In Beekeeping

The most effective use of lemongrass is as an attractant to bring swarms into catch or bait boxes.


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If you place a few bait boxes in an area where you expect swarms, you can place a few drops of lemongrass oil in the bait boxes to attract scouts to these boxes. 


Yellow Leaf

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