Let's Make A Candy Board Recipe For Bees


A candy board is a block of crystalline sugar placed at the top of the hive. 

Bees can consume this sugar, metabolize it and turn it into more heat, moisture, and carbon dioxide.

What Is A Candy Board For Bees?

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

If we mix this sticky sugar into the rest of the sugar it will glue the sugar together much like cement sticks concrete together.

A Candy Board Recipe For Bees

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

 - A tablespoon measure -  5 Gallon Bucket/pail -  measuring  cup or jug

Tools Needed

Wavy Line
Off-white Section Separator


- 16 lb sugar - Clean water  - White spirit vinegar (minimum 4-5% acidity as labeled on the bottle)

Off-white Section Separator

Candy Board

A candy board is a block of crystalline sugar placed at the top of the hive. 

You can use a sort of digging and then stirring motion and try to get the entire sugar volume just a little damp.


Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf

As small hive beetles spread around the world, it makes it harder and harder to mix pollen or pollen substitute into your candy board mix.

Candy Boards and Small Hive Beetles

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line
Banner With Dots


You can collect the leftover sugar in the candy boards and dissolve it in water to make your spring sugar syrup for feeding the bees.


Yellow Leaf

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