Look At A Few Ways We Can Help Our Bees Ventilate Their Hives


Beehive ventilation is particularly important in summer when the bees can develop heat and humidity stress. 

Bees generate heat when they are active. Bees keep the brood nest in a beehive at 95°F (35°C).

Why It Is Important To Ventilate A Beehive

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

On a hot day, the noise made by a hive ventilating itself is a bit like an airconditioning machine, and it is very easy to find the hive. 

How Do Bees Ventilate A Beehive?

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

They then spread the water onto surfaces, and fan their wings over this water. 

How Do Bees Cool and Ventilate A Beehive During Hot Weather?

Wavy Line
Off-white Section Separator

Beehive Ventilation In Summer

As beekeepers, we try to provide our bees with the best possible accommodation. 

Use tested systems: 1. The Ventilated Australian Migratory Bee Lid 2. Off-Center Stacked Supers 3. Screened Bottom Boards 4. Beehive Ventilation Holes

Beehive Ventilation In Summer

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

The mesh segments from migratory lids and ventilated supers can be washed with alcohol to remove high-value medical propolis.

Useful Byproducts Of Ventilated Hives

Wavy Line
Banner With Dots


As the season slows down and cools, the bees will propolize the mesh. You can remove the mesh and pipe segment. 


Yellow Leaf

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