Nosema Treatment For Bees


When beekeepers talk about Nosema in bees they are really talking about infection caused by the obligate microsporidian parasites Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae. 

Nosema is a small parasitic fungus. If you read older books they will tell you that they are Protozoa. Recent advances in science have apparently cleared up that confusion.

1.What Do We Mean When We Talk About Nosema?

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For simplicity, if I write Nosema, I am referring to both species. If I need to specify a specific species later for clarity, I will do so. 

2. How Do These Parasites Infect Bees?

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What Happens To Bees Infected With Nosema

This depends on the race of bees and the time of year and overall health.


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Nosema Treatment For Bees

The tried and tested treatment for Nosema is generally Fumagilin-B. This is an antibiotic produced by the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus.


My general experience with Nosema is that it gets a lot worse in a badly ventilated hive. Ensure that your hives are well ventilated. In winter, a candy board can help reduce moisture build-up.

5. Ventilation and Nosema Control

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If you are in the US, where Fumagilin is still legal for treatment, the normal method of treatment is to provide bees with the antibiotic in sugar solution in spring and autumn.


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