Ouch, Was That A Bee Bite Or A Bee Sting, Know The Difference


People often mistake a bee sting with a bee bite. This article investigates which bees can bite humans. In so doing, we answer the question – can bees bite humans?

Bees are crafty little critters and even the ones that sting can also bite.

Do you know...

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Honeybees can do both. When they sting they inject a cocktail of poisons into your body.

Do Honey Bees Sting Or Bite?

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Honey Bee Stings

Histamine triggers inflammation and allergic response/swelling. 


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Honey Bee Bites

The bee will die shortly afterwards, but, she will still try her best to scare you.


No. A lot of bees, both honeybees, many solitary bees, bumble and carpenter bees will sting. 

But Do All Bees Sting?

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- Stingless Bees - Sweat Bees - Stingless Bee Honey

But Do All Bees Sting?

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Any insect which produces the stuff is going to have to have a whole arsenal of weapons to defend its liquid gold honey.


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