Protecting Beehives From Bears

Protecting Beehives From Bears


This starts with the simplest of steps – methods to keep bears away from the bees. Should these methods fail, we look at the second line of defense, protecting your bees from the bears.

A beehive, being full of all these good things, is consequently of extreme interest to humans,  honey badgers, baboons, and bears. I have listed this specifically in order because in my experience the human is the most difficult creature to protect hives against.

Who Contributes To This Problem?

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They will collect water from outside the hive and bring the water to the hive. They then spread the water onto surfaces, and fan their wings Significant parts of the world are so polluted and damaged that keeping bees in these areas for long periods of time actually damages the bees.

The Importance of the Environment/Bear/Bee Overlap

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Conservation and Changing Land-Use Patterns My general feeling is that as bear populations increase with changing land use and conservation patterns in North America, there will be a need to transfer knowledge from other parts of the world where even more irritating animals exist.

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Protecting Bees From Bears

An electric fence. These are effective deterrents for most animals.


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Making Bear Proof Bee Hives

Hive Strapping When a hive is strapped to a secure stand, such as a pallet, it is more difficult to knock over ...


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Bees thrive in shipping containers, and it is relatively easy to work hives in these spaces. The weatherproofing advantages are also great.


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