How to Ventilate a Beehive

Queen cell stages


The queen cell timeline starts with a freshly fertilized egg and ends with the emergence of a young virgin queen. This is a process that is crucial to the renewal and development of the beehive.

In a beehive, fertilized eggs develop into female bees – either workers or queens. The unfertilized egg develops into a drone bee. Drones produce semen when mature and are regarded as male.

Gender In A Beehive

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A beehive is a complex communal society. Managing a communal society is quite complex as individuals tend to always place their needs above those of others so ...

If A Queen and Worker Are Both Females, How Does That Work?

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Pheromonal Dominance In a beehive, a queen bee uses her position of pheromonal power to suppress the development of ovaries in her offspring. In this way, although workers are female, the queen suppresses the development of the worker’s ovaries, and the queen is the dominant reproductive.

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If the hive gets too big. In this case, there are just so many bees that her pheromones cannot spread over all of the hive. 


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If the queen starts to get older and fail, her pheromonal bouquet begins to fade. In this case, it is similar to the above but can happen when the hive population is small.


Sometimes a queen dies. I have once seen a queen bee taking a midnight stroll outside the hive on the landing board and a toad came up and ate her.

3.  Queen Loss and Emergency Queen Cells

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A queen sting is quite memorable and not at all like a honeybee sting. It burns more and is more like a wasp sting. The fact that a queen can sting multiple times is also fascinating.


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