Right Temperature To Prevent Losing Your Raw Honey's Benefits


At what temperature does raw honey lose its benefits?

The vast majority of the remainder of the honey is water. 

What Is Honey?

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Green Leaf
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Generally honey will be quite a bit cooler than the brood nest in the 75° F to 85° F range. 

At What Temperature Does Raw Honey Lose Its Benefits?

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Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
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Once an enzyme has been inactivated by heat it will never repair itself. This is similar to boiling an egg. 

Enzyme Degradation

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Phytochemical Degradation

A general rule is to keep honey in a cool, dark place and it will maintain its medicinal properties for longer.

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As Beekeepers How Can We Protect Our Honey?

If there is a strong honey flow, and temperatures are high, extract honey regularly and remove it to a cooler storage area.

placing the hives in an area where they are shaded during peak heat helps.


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Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

Hive Placement

If natural shade is not available, screens and shade netting can be used to effect a reduced hive temperature.

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We have managed to increase the grade of honey by up to two grades by careful heat management from hive to honey house.


Yellow Leaf

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