Small Hive Beetle Larvae Vs Wax Moth Larvae


In this article, we look at small hive beetle larvae vs wax moth larvae. In European races of the honeybee, a small hive beetle infestation can be a major problem.

The small hive beetle is a honeybee pest indigenous to Africa. It preferably lays its eggs in brood or pollen, but will sometimes lay eggs in honey or nectar as well.

What Is A Small Hive Beetle?

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

A female can lay 2000 eggs or more in her life. The egg hatches and the larvae easts for just over two weeks, slightly longer if the brood is not warm (dead hive) and then it wriggles out of the hive, finds a spot in the soil, and burrows down.

Small Hive Beetle Lifecycle

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Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

Once the larvae are buried in the soil, it makes a smooth-walled chamber and pupates. It emerges as an adult beetle after a month or so. After mating, the hive beetle enters the hive and hides in crevices where it tricks the bees into feeding it and then lays eggs, and the cycle repeats.

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What Is A Wax Moth?

The greater wax moth is an entirely different type of pest from a small hive beetle. It is normally a pest of weak hives or empty hives. Bees will generally ...

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Larvae spin little strands of silk as they go, and a common symptom of wax moth infestation is that your combs will be full of strands of “spider web” like silk.

Once the larvae are fully grown, they find a spot in the hive, burrow a hole in the wood and spin a cocoon. A while later they emerge as adult moths. Controlling wax moths in beehives is really just down to good housekeeping and keeping your bees strong.

Holes Made When Pupating

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Yellow Leaf
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Hive Beetle Larvae

Hive beetle larvae have a sour smell to them. A heavy infestation normally manifests as an apocalyptic mass of larvae emerging ...

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Wax Moth Larvae

Wax moth larvae are far less wriggly and are smooth on the outside. They tend to be found away from the brood nest if there are bees. In an abandoned hive ...

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There are poisons and other methods that can be used. I am firmly against the use of any poisons in a beehive. They always get out, get into honey, and so on. Rather explore poison-free options for hive beetles as these can be controlled without poisons.


Yellow Leaf

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