Smoking Bees Without A Smoker



I once went to a barbeque where my friend was very proud of his new “smokeless” barbeque. The meat tasted insipid and might as well have been cooked in an oven.

A bee smoker makes a controlled slow-burning fire that emits smoke. This smoke can be puffed out of the smoker using a set of bellows. 

1.What Is A Bee Smoker?

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

When bees get angry, they release pheromones which communicate danger to other bees. The main component is isoamyl acetate which smells a bit like bananas. 

2. How Do Bees Get Angry?

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

How Long Does It Take For Bees To Calm Down?

Each beehive has a different personality. This is a product of genetics, hive size, queen age, worker age, nectar and pollen source, and many other factors.


Banner With Dots


Ok, so in a very gentle way, we have had a look at why smoking bees, as humans have done for tens of thousands of years, is a logical way of calming them. 


Yellow Leaf

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