The Long Horned Bee

The Long Horned Bee


These important pollinators are solitary bees and niche pollinators, often specializing in a very specific group of plant species that they pollinate.

For many of us, a “bee” is a honeybee – our trusty friend Apis mellifera. There are however many other bees out there – in fact, many many thousands of species of bees out there.

Do you know...

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
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Squiggly Line

Florilegus Condignu This is a solitary bee with a size of about half an inch. There is a huge difference in appearance between males and females. The males have exceptionally long antennae (remember the longhorn name). 

The Long-horned Bee

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

Alfalfa Pollination The pollination of Alfalfa is quite complicated – the flowers contain low-sugar nectar that is not very attractive to honeybees, but attractive to butterflies. Butterflies are lovely and pretty and all those good things – but they lay eggs. 

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The Melissodes Bee

Melissodes Communi The Common Long-horned bee, Melissodes communis, is widely disturbed in North America.

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Mellissodes Rustica

Mellissodes rustic appears to have had a little more research performed on it – although from what I can find most of this appears to be a few decades old like me.

My father is a retired ichthyologist and his colleague, an entomologist has recently retired too. Both have dedicated their scientific experience to photography.

What You Can Do To Help Study Vanishing Bees

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Banner With Dots


As citizen scientists, we can rope in an army of photographers who can use new technologies to study what insects approach flowers and where.


Yellow Leaf

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