Understand The Importance Of Controlling Africanized Honey Bees


In an attempt to improve the bees of Brazil honeybee genetics from Southern Africa (Read Apis mellifera scutellata) were introduced.    

We take a look at how to kill African bees. In some areas of the world, it is important to understand how to control Africanized honey bees. 

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The bees in that area were introduced bees from Europe. The African bees were better adapted to the local conditions. 

What Is The African/Africanized Honeybee?

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They spread rapidly north over a few decades crossing through Mexico and into the southern US.

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Moderate To Severe Aggression

African/Africanized bees have a shorter history of domestication than European honeybees. 

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Bees that have had much less human selection for “good traits” tend to be more aggressive. Aggression is regarded as a bad trait. 

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How To Catch African Bee

As a general rule, African bees produce more swarms than European bees. If you are in an area with some Africanized bees present, ... 

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Again, the likelihood is that if you catch a swarm, it will more often than not be Africanized if you are in an area where these bees occur.  


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