When Do Bees Go Away?


If we look at a flower patch, bees can sometimes seem to be a bit mysterious as to when they appear and disappear.

bees get cold they cannot produce enough energy in their wing muscles to fly. They will fall to the ground, or land on something and wait for it to get warmer so they can fly. 

Do you know...

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

Air Temperature - If the air is very cold the bees will gradually become cooler as they fly. Light Intensity - This may vary a little from the race of bee to race of bee but it is a general rule.

General Normal Conditions

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

Moonlight - the ambient temperature is mild and warm, that bees will work medium intensity honey flows. 

Off-white Section Separator

Exceptional Abnormal Conditions

Exceptional Flowers - honey flows that are just so amazing that bees are willing to do all sorts of weird.

Off-white Section Separator

Exceptional Abnormal Conditions

Sugar Sources - would phone me every few months to have bees removed. Free Glucose - Stainless steel is a funny metal and develops metal fatigue easily.

Banner With Dots


Generally, bees are inactive outside the hive when it is cold or dark. Bees come out when it is warm and light enough for them to do their work. If it is cold, they pop out to go to the lot.


Yellow Leaf

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