Why Do Bees Swarm Cars?



In spring I often get calls from people with bees in their cars. So let’s ask  “Why do bees swarm cars?” and how can we stop this rather irritating thing from happening.

Bees swarm when they have an opportunity to move some or all of the bees in a hive to a new hive. This is how beehives reproduce. 

Do you know...

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

Swarms go and look for new places to live, and these new places become new hives.

What Happens When Bees Swarm?

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Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

A swarm looks for a nice spot that has good insulation from the wind, is easy to find, and is a bit off the ground

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Why Do Bees Swarm Cars?

his is a simple lid that fits on top of the hive, flush with the side of the box.

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Do Yellow Cars Attract Bees?

It has nothing to do with the color! Lighter color cars are less hot – so in certain conditions, lighter colored cars will be attractive to swarms. 

Bee swarming much like human migration causes feelings of resentment to creatures living in an area where the bees were absent before. 

Why Is Bee Swarming A Problem?

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Yellow Leaf
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Bees In The Car

 A major cause of road accidents is people trying to get single bees (not swarms) and yellow jackets out of their cars.

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Cars are nice to be in. And they share our tastes for comfort. Unlike us, bees do not know how to open windows, so if you want to keep them from swarming into your car, keep the windows closed! 


Yellow Leaf

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