FAQs About 2 Frame Mating Nuc - Answered by An  Expert


Let’s look at mating nucs and 2 frame mating nuc plans.

This is a small box that we use to allow a queen to hatch and go on her mating flight and then lay a few eggs so we can assess if she is functional.

What is a mating nuc?

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

You need to get the combs in it drawn, insert a few workers and a queen cell. Ideally they should have a feeder.

How do you use a queen mating nuc?

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

Some nucs come as empty boxes! If you order a box with a queen, it should have a queen. 

Do nucs come with a queen?

Wavy Line
Off-white Section Separator

Do nucs come  with a queen?

If you get a nuc that is a split, it may or may not have a queen, and may rear a queen. 

Off-white Section Separator

Do nucs come with a queen?

Be careful to order a nuc with a queen if you are setting up bees in an area with no bees - you don't want a young queen to emerge.

Nucs bring brood diseases with them. A package has no brood, so the risk of transporting diseases is less. 

What are the disadvantages of purchasing a nuc over a package?

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Banner With Dots


When you buy a nuc you inherit all the diseases that were in the mother hive – these include varroa mites. 


Yellow Leaf

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