FAQs About - Answered by An Expert

FAQs About - Answered by An Expert


If you are trying to identify a bee with an orange stripe or a bee with an orange bum, there are a few candidates, all of whom are amazing little friends to have in your garden. 

Bees are in general commonly colored with yellow and black/grey strips of some sort. This can vary slightly to a yellow and black color. 

Do you know...

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

The bumblebees Bombus bifarius and Bombus vancouverensis (excuse lack of italics - the software does not alow it in this section) can have orange bums.

What is the bee with an orange bum?

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

What are black and orange bees?

carpenter bees, many other solitary bees and even some pollen wasps.

Off-white Section Separator

What kind of wasp is black with orange stripes?

There are a number of wasp species with black and orange stripes. Possibly one of the more fascinating is the Giant Hornet. 

There are some that can be orange yes! There are a lot of different species of carpenter bee that can range from black, to orange to many other metallic shades!

Are carpenter bees orange?

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Banner With Dots


I hope this post has helped you find a few options to help you identify a bee with an orange stripe. 


Yellow Leaf

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