Handy Tips To Preventing Wax Moths In Beehives


Preventing wax moths in beehives and wax moth treatment are important basic beekeeping skills.

The Lesser wax moth (Achroia grisella) can also be a pest but is less common generally.

Do you know...

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There are two species of wax moth which are common.  - The Greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella) - The Lesser wax moth (Achroia grisella) 

Types Of Wax Moths

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Life Cycle Of Wax Moths

The larvae hatch and burrow around in the combs destroying the combs and leaving behind a tangled mess of silk and feces. 

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Wax Moths In Beehives

They are sneaky and well dash past guards. 

Strong hives which are full of bees will generally repel the moths. If the hive is given too much space, by adding too many supers

Preventing Wax Moths In Beehives

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-  Fumigants: moth control in stored supers. -  Biocontrols: for the control of various insects. 

Wax Moth Control In Stored Supers

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If you super your hives, check weekly, as one should during any honey flow. If you see wax moth damage, reduce super numbers.


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