How Do You Get Rid Of Leaf Cutter Bees Naturally?


Leaf cutter bees are an essential part of our ecosystem – but they do make unsightly holes in some types of plants.

They are very difficult to get rid of - but you can get rid of their effects. They make little holes in leaves and flowers. 

How do you get rid of leaf cutter bees naturally?,

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

If you plant sacrificial plants that grow fast and have nice leaves for them, then you divert their damage and you can get the damage away

How do you get rid of leaf cutter bees naturally?

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

 Should I kill leaf cutter bees?

No. They are harmless, and you can use bait plants to draw them away from damaging plants you care about. 

Off-white Section Separator

Should I Kill Leaf Cutter Bees?

They are often endangered natural pollinators, so killing them just makes the world a worse place. We need them.

They like flowers with nectar and pollen, and they will cut little circles of material out of leaves - these are used for making their little nests. 

What are leaf cutter bees attracted to?

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

A leaf cutter bee is a very shy solitary bee. If you catch it in your hand, and push it against your skin, it may sting you. 

Do leaf cutter bees sting or bite?

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Banner With Dots


I hope that this post has helped you see that the question is not “How to get rid of leaf cutter bees”. 


Yellow Leaf

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