Long Live The Queen Bee- Queenless Behive Behavior


 A queen is important to the structure of the hive as she is supposed to be the only reproductive female in the hive.

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

What Happens If A Hive Loses Its Queen?

Sometimes queen bees pass away. Virgin queens must make mating flights, and occasionally they don't return.

A Hopelessly Queenless Hive

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf

Because a worker is unable to mate, the eggs she lays will be drone eggs. 

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

The bees tend to be a bit skittish and unsettled, and they lack the normal social cohesion we see in a hive.

Queenless Hive Behavior

Off-white Section Separator

Queenless Hive Symptoms

Off-white Section Separator

Early Stages: No Eggs

There may be some capped brood, but an inspection of the brood frames will show a little capped brood

Advanced Stages: Lots Of Messy Eggs

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf

They tend to just lay eggs all over, and the bottom of a cell can look like a bowl of rice there are so many eggs laid there.

Off-white Section Separator

What Happens If Rearing An Emergency Queen Is Not Possible?

The hive is basically up the creek without a paddle and is a hopelessly queenless hive.

Banner With Dots


You will see that a hive can be queenless for a short period of time before changes occur in the hive. 


Yellow Leaf

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