Watch Out! Using Smoke To Calm Bees


They would blow this smoke into a beehive and the bees were calmed and honey was gathered.

A set of bellows attached to the smoker blows smoke out of the spout.

How Does A Bee Smoker Work?

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

The hive has its working capital – dilute nectar that the bees eat and use for energy in the hive, and then pollen and brood.

The Hive

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

This means that the honey in its honey stomach will be lost to the hive. 


Off-white Section Separator

Anger pheromone or alarm pheromone alerts the bees to a problem.


A bee with a full honey stomach views itself as being more “valuable” than other bees. 

Using Smoke To Calm Bees

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

Some beekeepers like to use pine needles, wood chips, commercial fuel pellets and a range of other things.

Beekeeping  Smoker Fuel

Banner With Dots


Not only will these smokes damage the honey, I have no idea what the smoke will do to the bees. It is important to use natural beekeeping smoker fuel.


Yellow Leaf

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