Beehive Inner Cover Plans


An inner cover is an optional part of a Langstroth beehive. There are certain management strategies where this cover is useful, and there are other times when it is a hindrance. 

Beehive inner cover plans are available on the net but they often ignore the important ways you can save money making these covers. 

Do you know...

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line

The standard inner cover for a Langstroth hive consists of a board of some sort with a frame around it that observes bee space. There is a handhold/ventilation space normally in the middle of the cover. 

What Does The Inner Cover Do?

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

Do We Really Need An Inner Cover?

When considering the amount of work involved in following beehive inner cover plans and then making the things, my answer is “Mostly no.”.

Off-white Section Separator

Ok, I Still Want An Inner Cover – How Do I Make One?

The easiest way to make an inner cover is to purchase a Masonite board. This is an engineered high-density fiberboard.

Banner With Dots


One really simple option for an inner cover is to just cut a sheet of fabric!! You can even buy them precut here. I find these work really well – I used to use an old 2 WW military tent that got destroyed by a wild animal.


Yellow Leaf

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