Master the Art of Beekeeping

Your Go-To Resource for Expert Tips, Guides and Advice for confident Beekeepers.

Man providing the best Beekeeper Tips

Beginner Beekeeping Essentials

Beekeepers working with apiculture equipment

Introductory Guides and Tips for those new to the hobby of keeping bees. Learn how to keep your bee hive producing honey.

Bee Keeping Apiculture Techniques

Beekeeper showing beehive frames full of honey

For hobbyists looking to take their bee keeping skills to the next level. Advanced troubleshooting such as mites and splits.

Bee Hive Supplies

Best Beekeeping Supplies Available

Whether your are a DIY or looking for the best honey bee supplies for your colony, we have all the details to get you started!

Bee Keepers Natural Practices

Man Showing Best Natural Beekeeping Techniques

We love to find ways to work with nature rather than try to outsmart it. Natural beekeeping is such a sustainable way of doing so, we are building our library of practices to support you in the change.

Homestead Bee Hives

Beekeeping on a Homestead

With such a wonderful input to output ratio, its no wonder that beekeeping and self sufficient homesteading go together!

Beekeeping Clubs Near Me

Man Checking beehives at an apiary club

Search our global directory of the best beekeeping clubs and associations within your region. We have compiled a thorough list for the major beekeeping regions of the world. Can you find your club?

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Featured Articles

A Beekeeper moving the beekeeping equipment need to start for beginners including a new langstroth hive

Ultimate Beekeeping Supplies: Everything You Need to Start

In any endeavor, preparation is more than half the battle. Beekeeping is no different. One of the first things you need to do when you begin this wonderful adventure is to invest in the right equipment and supplies. You have probably already flipped through a beekeeper’s catalog which might have ...
How Does A Bee Smoker Work

How to Use a Beekeeping Smoker: 5 Essential Tips

Beekeepers need to use bee smokers when they want to inspect the bee hives or collect honey. Smoke calms the bees and prevents them from attacking or triggering a defensive response by masking their danger pheromones. This means you won't make them mad, and are less likely to get stung ...
Honey dripping out of the Best Honey Extractor

Honey Extractor: Finding the Best Equipment for Efficient Honey Harvesting

The reward for keeping bees in your backyard or garden is honey and to extract honey from the hive, you need a reliable honey extractor. Honey extractors are of different types and choosing one can be overwhelming to a new beekeeper. While you might decide that the more expensive Flowhive ...
Does Bee Pollen Expire

Does Bee Pollen Expire? Expert Tips To Healthy Pollen Eating.

Does bee pollen expire? Yes. Much like any biological substance, it degrades slowly over time. Follow more to find out what the modes of action are that cause bee pollen to expire. What Is Bee Pollen? There are many different forms of pollen that we could refer to as "bee ...

Protect Pollinators: Adopt a Hive & Save Bees Now!

Many people are aware that the honeybee and generally all other bee species are in decline globally. Adopting a hive is a way of taking personal capital and introducing it into beekeeping businesses in a way that allows us to invest in bee conservation, and also to get a bit ...
How Much Honey Per Frame

How Much Honey Per Frame?

When we start planning our beekeeping business or season, we often get tempted to predict the output. How much honey per frame? This is a rather variable figure and depends on management style and bees. To help you with your planning let us delve into this a bit. How Much ...
What To Do With A Dead Beehive

What To Do With A Dead Beehive?

What to do with a dead beehive? If you run through this simple diagnostic, you can work out what to do with a dead beehive. A hive can die for many reasons, and some of these reasons mean the hive is actually dangerous. Diagnosing the cause of death is important ...
Do Bees Know They Die When They Sting

Do Bees Know They Die When They Sting?

Bees have a barbed sting. When they sting something with thick skin the sting will get stuck in that skin. The bee sting then pulls out of the bee and the bee will die a bit later. Now, some of us may be tempted to ask " Do bees know ...
How Many Legs Do Bees Have

How Many Legs Do Bees Have?

This article delves into basic bee anatomy. How many legs do bees have? Do bees have tongues? Do bees have antennae? And what exactly is a bee sting? If you have ever been stung you may be rather shocked to find out you literally got laid by a bee.... Let ...

About Us

Dr. Garth A. Cambray is a Canadian/South African entrepreneur and beekeeper with 28 years of experience in apiculture and specializes in adding value to honey. His Ph.D. research developed a new advanced continuous fermentation method for making mead that has resulted in a number of companies globally being able to access markets for mead. His company, Makana Meadery, exports honey mead to the USA where it is available to discerning connoisseurs.

He has also developed technologies to commercially manufacture organic honey vinegar in Zambia for export globally. He holds a few patents globally in the ethanol industry and believes in technology and knowledge transfer for human development and environmental sustainability. One of his proudest achievements is the fact that the wind farm he started at one of his old apiary sites has essentially made his hometown carbon neutral.

Beekeeper Subscribers

We are always learning, adapting and understanding our beehives. That’s why we keep our members up to date with the latest tips and expertise from professional beekeepers and industry experts.

Henry Dawson Beekeepertips Member

Henry Dawson

Deadwood, SD

I have been beekeeping for the past 3 years and found to be a great source of information to support my learning. I like that they don't push a product if there is a DIY simple solution instead!


Getting the monthly newsletter helps me keep on top of the tips I need to keep my 4 hives alive and well. The detail around mite treatments has definitely saved our hives a couple of times last year.

Joanna Keppler Beekeepertips Member

Joanna Keppler

Houston, TX
Martin Sanchez Beekeeper Tips Member

Martin Sanchez

Pinellas County, FL

I am very new to the beekeeping scene, but am enjoying the support provided by beekeepertips. Some of the text books are hard to understand and the plain language used here helps to cut through to what I need to know.

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