Black bees are a common term for a type of carpenter bee. Carpenter bees are wood nesting bees, gentle souls, and exceptional pollinators. Are black bees poisonous?
Within the honeybee family, there are bees from the British Isles and New Zealand that are called British Black bees – Apis mellifera mellifera. People also refer to certain types of carpenter bees that are black, or nearly black, as “Black Bees”.
I have always loved carpenter bees. These bees have a lot of character – and they work hard, drilling holes in wood and nesting there. The Xylocopa genus comprises the carpenter bees – this is derived from the Greek word for “woodcutter”.
I would probably go so far as to say they are in many cases the best pollinators. When it comes to a strawberry, raspberry (and similar berries), quince, apple, or plum flower, the carpenter bees seem to do a way better job than any other bee.
Carpenter bee drones will sometimes bomb human females – something about the female hormones, hair scent and probably the perfume gets these boys excited and they can try and mate with you.