Best Way To Split Your Hive Without A Queen


In this article, we show you how to split a beehive without a queen.

Normally we would prepare a few queen cells before splitting, or, order some queens in cages. 

How To Split A Beehive

Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Wavy Line
Squiggly Line
Off-white Section Separator

Move the hive a foot to the left.  Place an empty box a foot to the right next to your hive. 

Splitting The  Beehives

Off-white Section Separator

One hive will have queen cells. 

Inspecting The Hive

However, nature is very complex and I will go into some of the advantages of letting your bees rear their own queens.

The Best Way To Split A Hive

Off-white Section Separator
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Green Leaf
Squiggly Line

I was in South Africa at that time and keeping Apis mellifera capensis. 

How Serious Is Genetic Diversity?

Banner With Dots


Adapted bees are the best bees. Just like you will take years to learn how to keep bees in your area, bees will take years to adapt to your area.


Yellow Leaf

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